The beginning.

The 4D History

Tom Bruno-Magdich and Philippa Waller

The 4D Founders

Tom Bruno-Magdich and Philippa Waller

Philippa: ā€œTom and I were in partnership. In a relationship. And very much in love. When we met we had both been actors and shared an interest in theatre, writing, musicals, storytelling, the art of communicating and presenting, human psychology, neuroscience, sociology, integral theory, personal potential, consciousness, the cosmos and the meaning of life! We loved the big questions and spent hours and days talking big and talking deep. We co-created and set up 4D Human Being nearly a decade ago to share our passions by helping individuals communicate with insight, intention and impact. The very roots of 4D is full of his and my creativity, passion and love. Like many deep, complex and incredible thinkers Tomā€™s personal search for self-understanding and meaning could take him to the edge of his own struggles. And in 2016 he took his own life. As I, and those who loved him, struggle our own way through his loss we, and so many he worked with along the way, also appreciate the deeply impactful, often life-changing insights he brought us. A legacy that we at 4D are proud to continue sharing today. Thank you Tom. Love always xā€

Useful Resources

For key events in suicide prevention pleaseĀ click here

If youā€™re strugglingā€¦

The Samaritans are amazing. They are there for you if you are having suicidal thoughts. And they are there for you if you have lost someone. I can vouch personally for how brilliant they are. There, listening, calm and reassuring. Remember theyā€™re there.

Letā€™s talk about death.

Talking about death can help those struggling with their own lives as well as those of us who have lost loved ones. Keeping quiet only makes it worse. To find out more visitĀ Death Cafe

Lost someone to suicide?

SOBsĀ isĀ a self-help organisation which aims to provide a safe, confidential environment in which bereaved people can share their experiences and feelings, in order to give and gain support from each other.