Philippa Waller
MSC Integrative Psychotherapy, MA French, Dip SDIntegral
“You are the sum of your interactions. In every single moment you are creating the next chapter of you and your life. So why not jump in the driver’s seat and live, lead and love more intentionally. Why not consciously shape a narrative and an experience of life that means you get to live to your fullest potential. Because life is no dress rehearsal. We get one go – so let’s communicate, create and connect in a way that makes it count! So you can happen to the world rather than the world simply happening to you.”
Philippa Waller, CEO of 4D Human Being, is a highly sought after business and impact coach, keynote & TEDx speaker and integrative psychotherapist. She is passionate about helping develop a high level of Conscious Leadership, Conscious Communication and Personal WellBeing to leaders and teams all over the world – through highly engaging training and development, coaching, events, conferences and seminars.
With a background in business, theatre, improvisation and psychology, Philippa works extensively in the fields of Organisational Culture Change, Personal Development, Company WellBeing, Impact & Communication Skills, and Storytelling at all levels within organisations. And in all formats – from fully immersive 4D Leadership & Communication Skills Programmes to 1-2-1 Executive Depth Coaching to Interactive Conference Keynotes. Helping you, your leaders and organisation live fully and flourish into the future.