Tips for banishing the burnt out bluff

Tips for banishing the burnt out bluff

Are you exhausted? Stressed? Burnt out? Beyond your capacity or just not coping? Do you know friends and colleagues who would also say yes to these questions? You’ve reached the end of your tether. We can all do it! We’ve all had those moments where our capacity bowl...
Video Conferencing: You’ve got the tech. Now what…

Video Conferencing: You’ve got the tech. Now what…

The impact of the Coronavirus will be felt by all of us. Most importantly those people whose health will be affected. As an asthmatic, I watch the news with the same concern as many of you. Let us hope that the actions taken by governments and each one of us will save...
Creatively responding to a changing world….

Creatively responding to a changing world….

Fear! Risk! Loss! Collapse! Danger! Concern! Alert! Threat!   Just some of the headline words in the papers today. It’s true we are living in an ever-changing world, full of uncertainty – whether that’s extreme weather, travel disruption, changing regulations,...
What’s the Story?

What’s the Story?

Snakes kill 220 people in one day!   This headline is true. It’s just not one that appears in our papers every day. And to be clear, snake bites are in no way one of the biggest threats to life we face as human beings – heart disease, diabetes, suicide to name...