Put some 4D Fizz into 2024 – Energise and Activate in 4D in The Year Ahead

Categories:4D Energiser

"Step into 2024 with a dynamic shift in your energy levels using the 4D Human Being approach. Discover how to revitalise your physical, emotional, intellectual, and intentional wellbeing with our easy-to-adopt tools."

Kickstart 2024 with a energy boost. Learn quick tips to energise in all dimensions, thriving physically, emotionally, mentally.

Did you know….?

Most of us get all the vitamins we need through food. Except Vitamin D which we produce from the UV rays of the sun. Vitamin deficiencies are quite rare. 

Healthy adults who eat a varied, balanced diet and get a little bit of sunshine every day usually get all the vitamins and minerals they need,’ says Dr Céline Guyomar.

And yet…did you know…?

All over the world in the last few years depression and anxiety symptoms have grown by 25% – 28%. 

Burnout, overwhelm and poor mental health account for more than half of all work-related illnesses. And here are a few more numbers to get us thinking:

  • 51% of long-term sick leave is due to stress, depression or anxiety 
  • 55% of workers feel that work is getting more intense and demanding
  • 61% of workers say they feel exhausted at the end of most working days
  • 64% of managers have considered quitting for a job that would better support their WellBeing 

So what’s going on?

However, many supplements we take – life, situations and people can still drain our energy. When we feel like a puppet just being blown around by the world, then we are highly dependent on events and others for our physical, emotional and mental energy and WellBeing. However, when in the driver’s seat, understand how to energise ourselves in all 4Dimensions, that’s when we can start happening to the world rather than the world simply happening to us. 

Your life is here to be enjoyed and it can only be enjoyed by you. Your energy is here to help you enjoy your life and your energy can only be released by your own choices and habits.

4D can help. With our super quick and easy tips, your daily dose of Vitamin 4D will boost your Physical, Emotional, Mental and Intentional Energy instantly. Making sure you are firing on all 4 of your 4D cylinders. It’s fast, it’s effective, it’s free and it’s totally in YOUR hands! You are the CEO of you and it’s time to make the best choices in 4Dimensions so the company of ‘YOU inc.’ or ‘YOU Ltd’ can drive and thrive into 2024.

If you feel like you could do with more energy for 2024, whether it’s having more stamina, positivity, motivation, clarity or confidence, at work and at home, 4D is here to help. 

Sounds good right?

Like me, you may keep fit, eat the right foods (most of the time!) and take your daily vitamins. Sometimes, the extra vitality you need simply cannot be found in the gym, the fridge or a mineral supplement…sometimes you need some extra magic to get you back at the wheel and raring to go, energized and excited to live and shape your future. 

So how do you do it?

This is where a daily dose of vitamin 4D can genuinely make all the difference and give you the boost and the bounce you are looking for.  

What do we mean by a daily dose of vitamin 4D? 

We mean using some of the super quick 4D tools and tips to give yourself and others some instant 4D fizz right when you need it.

We mean understanding how to very quickly energise yourself in all 4Dimensions

What does that mean?

Well…here’s some questions for you. Do you think about energising yourself:

  1. Physically through your body, nervous system, breath and muscles 
  2. Emotionally, through your feelings and positive energy
  3. Intellectually, through reading, new ideas, learning, positive thoughts, appreciation, gratitude
  4. Intentionally through focussing on your values, purpose, and the things you really care about

If you have answered yes to all 4…congratulations on being able to energise yourself in all 4Dimensions, let’s help you boost your 4D energy even more. 

If you have answered yes to 1, 2 or 3 of the above, that’s a great start. Now, let’s help you get fully energised in all 4Dimensions. 

Because the benefits are big!

Ready to feel more inspired and energised? Ready to rock 2024 as a full 4D Human Being… Let’s do it!

While there’s no magical supplement to make these issues vanish, with the 4D tools and tips, you’ll feel the transformation. With our live and digital 4D WellBeing programs – you and your people can embrace your daily dose of 4D to energise your life, reclaim balance and boost WellBeing.

Click here to find out more about 4DOnDemand WellBeing for your team or whole organisation….and let’s rewrite those statistics. 💪💊