Thanksgiving and Receiving

Thanksgiving and Receiving

If everyone is busy ‘giving thanks’, then who is going to be available to receive all of our ‘gifts’?  I recently emigrated to the United States and in ‘honor’ of my first ever Thanksgiving, I’m going to be exploring the gracious gift of ‘giving thanks’ and the...
Make friends with fear

Make friends with fear

Have you ever watched a horror movie or ridden a rollercoaster in order to recreate the experience of fear?   Well believe it or not, but we are doing this all the time. On a daily basis we are often unknowingly creating and living with the experience of fear,...
SUMMER’S OUT!! And it’s back to school…

SUMMER’S OUT!! And it’s back to school…

Remember Septembers from your childhood and how it felt going back to school? Excitement at seeing friends again, sadness that the summer holidays were over. Looking forward to learning lots of new things…The latter perhaps not so much! So, as September draws to a...
Micro Experiences, Macro Effects

Micro Experiences, Macro Effects

A few weeks ago, I was flying to Dubai to talk at a leader’s conference and I managed to sleep through the food service. When I woke up and asked if there was any food, the hostess responded with an abrupt and unhelpful “no.” Now there’s a truth to this: I had missed...