In this episode, Master Coach and Cultural Change Consultant Rebecca Watson is back on the show talking with Katie Churchman about listening to and learning from the body’s signals.
‘Not doing enough’ is a fear-based activity and in this episode Becks advocates for more space to listen to- and see- the body for what it is: an amazing and unbelievably complex system that’s only got our best interests at heart! This podcast covers a variety of topics including: personal energy, self-care, appreciating the body and changing the relationship we have with our body.

And 4D is always here to help.
For us at 4D Human Being, some of the most important areas that we can focus on in order to happen to the world and create our own lives from a place of choice are represented in our 4DOnDemand at-desk video courses.
Including taking charge of our 4D WellBeing, becoming more conscious around the Impact that we make, learning the art of Storytelling, becoming confident presenters, as well as taking control of our Personal Profile or brand. Some of the tools from all these series are available to you free with our 4DOD Essentials offer.
So that both inside and out we feel we have the competence, courage and commitment to really live our best lives. So that you can be the hero of your own story every day.
Love the 4D Team xx