Embracing the Darkness Within

Embracing the Darkness Within

Empowerment through shadow work In this article we’re exploring the sides of ourselves that we’re often unaware of; the parts of self that get shunned to the edges of our consciousness by ourselves and often by society too. Otherwise known as the shadow self....
Summer Slow Down: The Upside of Downtime

Summer Slow Down: The Upside of Downtime

If your default response to the “how are you?” question tends to be “I’ve been busy/stressed/tired” (or all 3) then this is the article for you.   We’re taking advantage of the holiday season to offer you ways to help de-stress your life and embrace the power of...
Taking back your personal power!

Taking back your personal power!

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”    – Marianne Williamson. This article is all about helping you to take back your power by living in a more conscious, connected and creative way. By...
In Search of Silver Linings…

In Search of Silver Linings…

“It was the best thing that ever happened to me!”   How often have you looked back at a so-called ‘bad’ event and realised that it was actually a blessing in disguise? This of course, is the benefit of hindsight. The ability to look back on a situation and see...
In Praise of Ordinary

In Praise of Ordinary

Ordinary is the new black   Are you tired of trying to be ‘shiny’? Are you bored of comparing yourself with everyone else? Or dissatisfied by the need to constantly compete? If you answered yes to any of the above, then join us in praising ordinary. This...